ProDetec is your pathway to monitoring key quality measuring points in your process. This results in higher product quality and less waste by giving you accurate and fast values that you can rely on to make the best decisions to keep you on top of your game. For example, to minimise product waste, you need to know that exact phase change between CIP and product.
We understand that the safety of your plant and people is paramount to you, especially if part of your process involves the potential leakage of CO2 or Alcohol. Discover how ProDetec is your partner in safety
If you can’t see your key measurement criteria below, send us a quick email with your specific needs.
- Turbidity
- Colour in Liquid
- Density
- Phase Separation
- Dissolved O2 in Liquid/Gas/Wort/Beer
- Dissolved CO2 in Liquid
- Alcohol Measurement
- Carbonation
- Water Conditioning
- Membrane Water Deaeration
- Column Water Deaeration (COLD)
- Column Water Deaeration (HOT)
- Water Softening
- Reverse Osmosis
- Yeast Propagation
- Yeast Recycling
- Yeast Pitch
- DeAlcoholisation
- Additive Dosing
- Hops Optimisation
- Blending
- Pasteurisation
- Aeration of WORT
- Cooling of WORT
- Craft Line
- Personal Gas Detectors
- Fixed Gas Detection
- Calibration and Test Gas
- Audio/Visual Alarms
- Emergency Shutdown
- Truck unloading/Earthing
- Fire and Explosion Safety
Measuring turbidity is important for ensuring the quality of the final product, but also for monitoring and controlling individual process steps in the beverage and food industries. With a reliably measured turbidity value obtained during liquid analysis, you can sustainably increase the efficiency of your process
In-line colour measurement in the beverage industry is often an absorbance measurement at 430 nm (e.g. for the colour of beer).
Measuring density of a sample is an important quality parameter of both raw materials and finished products. Various techniques enable the density of solid, viscous and liquid materials to be accurately determined e.g. metals, plastics, chemicals, lubricants and food.
An automatic phase separation takes over the control and monitoring of phase transitions during a product change. This guarantees process reliability and thus improves profitability.
OXYTRANS is a very precise, optical oxygen sensor for measurement of O2 in deaerated water, wort, beer and CO2. Dissolved oxygen has adverse impact on flavour stability and shelf life.
The CARBOTEC series are very precise carbon dioxide sensors for measurement of CO2 in beer and beer-based mixed drinks. Dissolved CO2 has a major impact on the quality and taste of the product.
ALCOHOL MONITOR is a variant of RHOTEC or SONATEC and allows measuring the content of alcohol (ethanol) in a mixture of water and ethanol. The alcohol measurement is done during the production of beer and beer-based mixed drinks.
The Carbonator is designed for continuous injection of carbon dioxide into beer and beer-based mixed drinks. A precisely defined and constant CO2 content is an essential quality feature for carbonated beverages.
Raw water quality depends greatly on its source. Based on the raw water quality and the specifications for the purified water, Centec select the most appropriate technologies for each client. Usually, multi-stage regimes are necessary for water purification.
Dissolved oxygen has adverse impact on flavour stability and shelf life. The deaeration system DGS removes O2 from water that is used for the production of beer and beer-based mixed drinks. Deaeration is done at ambient temperature. The system is compact and easily expandable.
Dissolved oxygen has adverse impact on flavour stability and shelf life. The deaeration system DeGaS-Cold removes O2 from water that is used for the production of beer and beer-based mixed drinks. Deaeration is performed at ambient temperature.
Dissolved oxygen has adverse impact on flavour stability and shelf life. The deaerations system DeGaS-Hot removes O2 from water that is used for the production of beer and beer-based mixed drinks. For deaeration, the water is heated and disinfected at the same time.
The ion exchange system IONTEC softens water used for beer and beer-based mixed drinks or for steam generation. Water hardness causes scale deposits in piping and process systems.
The reverse osmosis system REVOTEC produces demineralized water that is perfectly suited for manufacturing of beer and beer-based mixed drinks. Considering the quality of the raw water, the unit is designed individually for each specific application.
The YeastPropagator is used to maximize yeast viability and yeast vitality. Therefore, ideal and sterile conditions for the yeast need to be created in all stages of the propagation process.
The Yeast Recycler is used for recovering beer from waste or surplus yeast. Beer recovery allows the brewery to reduce wastewater and to obtain two valuable products: Beer and yeast. While the beer can be returned back to the brewing process, the yeast can be sold as animal feed or as food supplement
The yeast pitching system YeastPitch doses yeast cells fully automatic and homogeneously into the wort stream.
The dealcoholization system DeAlcoTec applies an aroma conserving method to remove alcohol from beer after complete fermentation. Ingredients are conserved to a particularly high degree or added back to the beer. The dealcoholization temperature is low and it is possible and the residual alcohol content is close to the detection level.
Where more stringent hygienic standards apply, sterilization-in-place (SIP) is done after CIP cleaning. SIP kills harmful microorganisms that may have survived CIP or in cases where Cleaning-in-Place is not performed.
The purpose of Cleaning-in-Place (CIP) is to remove product residues and microorganisms from all wetted surfaces inside tanks, pipework and filling machines. Centec provide CIP skids for cold and hot cleaning in brewery industry.
The additive dosing system ADoS is used for dosing of ingredients such as malt extract, hop extract, flavours and colours directly into the main product stream. The compact skid provides a high degree of flexibility for the production of different products (brands).
The pre-isomerization system EASYOMER allows the economic use of hop products (natural hops, pellets, extract) due to a significantly increased yield of bitter substances. The compact unit can easily be integrated into an existing brew house
High Gravity Blending (HGB) is a process that allows producing different beers (brands) from one or few mother beers. Brewery productivity is thereby maximized for a comparatively small brew house capacity and a low number of fermentation tanks.
By flash pasteurization harmful microorganisms in beer and beer-based mixed drinks are killed with the aim of improving microbiological stability and shelf life of the product. Flash pasteurization is a well-established and cost-effective process in brewery industry.
The Wort Aerator is used for the continuous and highly accurate injection of oxygen or sterile air into beer wort. For yeast reproduction and growth and consistent fermentation, the specified oxygen content needs to be exactly reached.
The Wort Cooler reduces the temperature of wort to the required pitching temperature. In breweries, cooling is typically performed after wort boiling and trub separation.
Centec offer a selection of cost-effective process systems specifically designed for craft breweries. These skids are typically used for capacities up to 100 hl/h. They are characterized by a lower level of automation and optional high precision sensor technology. The Centec Craft Line is easy to implement and to configure.
ProDetec can offer our customers innovative portable gas detectors that offer greater reliability, improved productivity, and better cost-efficiency to protect your workers from potential gas hazards. These gas detectors can be readily calibrated and tested on site with the aid of Automated Calibration and Bump Testing Stations
ProDetec has access the the worlds best gas detectors for a wide range of industries. Whether the need is for a single application or multiple sites and areas, our durable gas monitoring solutions meet your unique industrial needs. We offer a broad range of gas detectors and controllers to satisfy international certification standards such as SIL (Safety Integrity Level), Marine and IECEx.
At ProDetec we can supply specialised gases and gas mixtures to meet various and specific requirements. We work with you to understand your application and analyse your consumption patterns. This way we can offer the correct cylinder size that maximises your efficiency while minimising costs.
Manual alarm call points are designed for the purpose of raising an alarm manually once verification of a fire or emergency condition exists, by operating the push button or break glass the alarm signal can be raised.
During truck unloading the product can get charged electrostatically. This way the truck itself will be charged up, too (if the product is charged negatively, the truck will have a positive load). As a truck has a relatively large electric capacity, this may lead to very powerful spark discharges..
Dust explosions can occur frequently in industrial processes where combustible material is transported/ pneumatically or mechanically conveyed, heated, filtered, spray dried, milled and stored