CarboTec TR-PT

Dissolved Carbon Dioxide Measurement

The Centec CarboTec continuously measures the content of dissolved carbon dioxide in liquids. Designed for applications that require maximum sensitivity and high accuracy. Dissolved CO2 measurements are determined precisely and quickly with several short measurement per minute. The unit offers excellent long-term stability and is designed for hygienic installations with full CIP capability.



Technical Description – CarboTec TR-PT

A Closer Look

To measure carbon dioxide, the carbonated liquid flows through the sensor head (measurement chamber). The chamber is then closed and its volume is rapidly expanded. This expansion generates a gas phase in the chamber. The sudden drop in pressure forces the carbon dioxide out of the liquid into its gas phase.  Within seconds pressure equilibrium is attained inside the measurement chamber. This equilibrium pressure differs from the pressure of the liquid with no CO2 by a relationship of the volume of dissolved CO2. This is how the CO2 content can be accurately determined. Obviously temperature changes will impact on pressure. Temperature changes are automatically compensated using an internal Pt100 sensor. After the measurement the sample is completely returned to the product without any loss.

Centec CarboTec TR-PT

The Specs at a Glance

There are 2 available concentration ranges for you to select from:
Liquid Phase:
Low Range: 1 ppb – 2 ppm ± 1 ppb
High Range: 30 ppb – 35ppm   ± 30 ppb
Gas Phase:
Low Range: 0 – 4.2%    ± 0.002 %
High Range: 0-50%    ± 0.03 %
Pressure: max. 12 bar
Inputs: 3 x digital
Outputs: 2 x 4 -20 mA,  3 x digital.  Optional Profibus DP
Enclosure: IP 65
Power Supply: 24 VDC

Data Sheet – CarboTec TR-PR

Food and Beverage

Hover Box Element