
The Chemical industry requires measuring instrumentation to assist in the goal of monitoring and blending, controlling reactions and processes, controlling efficiencies in the process and combustion, while never taking their eye off workplace safety and environmental protection. ProDetec can be your support in many of these needs. Below is a small sample of what you will find in the following pages.

High Precision Sensors: Centec (German) sensors are joined by Sigrist (Swiss) to offer high precision and low maintenance instruments to help you have better control and less wastage in your system. We also work with you to keep an eye on your environmental responsibilities.

Skid Mounted System Units: ProDetec offers you exclusive representation of the German company, Centec. Centec manufactures fully automated skid-mounted process units and high precision measurement devices.


Gas analysers based on TDLAS have been used for many industrial process control and emission monitoring applications and are well-accepted throughout multiple industries. The advantages of performing measurements directly in the process (in situ) include fast response, high selectivity and high sensitivity, which makes efficient process control possible. Furthermore, in situ measurements require little maintenance and thus lower operational expenditures.

Neo Monitors LaserGas™ iQ2

LaserGas™ iQ2

LaserGas™ iQ2analyser is the first to measure up to four gases (O2, CO, CH4, H2O) and temperature depending on configuration, which eliminates the need for multiple units for combustion analysis. 

The cutting-edge design and ground-breaking functionality ensure that the instrument delivers unmatched reliability and durability. Customers may replace existing analysers where explosion risks or high maintenance issues are a huge concern. 

Neo Monitors LaserGas™ iQ2 Vulcan

LaserGas™ iQ2 Vulcan

LaserGas™ iQ2 Vulcan is the first in-situ single-flange solution to measure up to four gases (O2, CO, CH4, H2O) as well as the process temperature in a single unit. 

Based on the well-proven and trusted tunable diode laser absorption spectroscopy (TDLAS) technology, the solution combines cutting-edge design and ground-breaking functionality. It is a complete combustion solution eliminating the need for multiple units. 

Advanced TDLAS technology enables unmatched reliability and durability. Installation costs of this all-in-one solution are significantly reduced since only one flange is needed. In addition, operational and maintenance costs are kept at a minimum. 

Neo Monitors LaserGas™ III Single Path

LaserGas™ III Single Path

LaserGas™ III SP is the third generation in-situ analyzer, designed for safety applications with a special focus on SIL-applications and Ex-d. A compact sized instrument which is easy to install. The instrument is a placed in a sealed housing which eliminates the need for instrument purging. The instrument does not require regular maintenance. 

The monitor is mounted directly onto flanges, which include purge gas connections and a tilting mechanism for easy alignment. Continuous purge flow prevents dust and other contamination from settling on the optical windows. Once power and data lines are connected, measurements are performed in real-time. 

Neo Monitors LaserGas™ II Single Path

LaserGas™ II Single Path

LaserGas™ II SP(Single Path) is a non-contact optical measurement method also known as in-situ. The analyser is suitable for variety of gases and process conditions, including dual gas measurements.
Laser Gas™ II SP has also a wide range of Ex-certifications, including IECEx, ATEX, CSA. 

The instrument does not require any consumables and does not require regular maintenance. The absence of extractive conditioning systems further improves availability of the measurements and eliminates errors related to sample handling. 

Once power, data lines and purge are connected, the instrument is ready to use and measurements are performed in real-time. 

Neo Monitors LaserGas™ II Single Path Hydrogen

LaserGas™ II Single Path Hydrogen

The LaserGas™ II Single Path Hydrogen is a specially designed version that is tailored for Hydrogen measurements. The sensor remains unaffected by contaminants corrosives and does not require regular maintenance. The absence of extractive conditioning systems further improves availability of the measurements and eliminates errors related to sample handling. 

Once power, data lines and purge are connected, the instrument is ready to use and measurements are performed in real-time. 

Neo Monitors LaserGas™ II Compact

LaserGas™ II Compact

Derived from the standard Single Path instrument. The Compact monitor is optimized for short distance measurement in the range 10 to 100 centimetres. It is a non-contact optical measurement method also known as in-situ. 

LaserGas™ II SP Compact offers a wide variety of gases, measurement and temperature ranges and dual gas measurements. LaserGas™ II SP has also a wide range of Ex-certifications, including IECEx, ATEX, CSA. The instrument does not require any consumables and does not require regular maintenance. 

The absence of extractive conditioning systems further improves availability of the measurements and eliminates errors related to sample handling. Once power, data lines and purge are connected, the instrument is ready to use and measurements are performed in real-time.
It also has smaller physical dimensions compared to the LaserGas™ II SP. 

Neo Monitors LaserGas™ II Multi Pass

LaserGas™ II Multi Pass

LaserGas™ II Multi Pass combines extractive measurement with a compact analyser design. The laser beam is coupled into a measurement cell, where it is reflected multiple times between two spherical mirrors to enhance the analyser sensitivity. 

The monitor is a turn-key instrument. No other operations than connecting power, sample gas tubes and optional purge are required during installation. LaserGas™ MP provides a reliable and easy to use solution for a wide variety of applications. 

Neo Monitors LaserGas™ Q ICL

LaserGas™ Q ICL

Unlike the previous generations of LaserGas™ products, the LaserGas™ Q family measures in the mid-infrared spectrum which allows for better detection limits. As well as detection of gases not obtainable with the more common near-infrared spectroscopy. 

The sensor has low maintenance cost and does not require regular maintenance. The absence of extractive conditioning systems further improves availability of the measurements and eliminates errors related to sample handling. 

The monitor is mounted directly onto flanges, which include purge gas connections and a tilting mechanism for easy alignment. Continuous purge flow prevents dust and other contamination from settling on the optical windows. Once power and data lines are connected, measurements are performed in real-time. 

Neo Monitors LaserGas™ Q CF4

LaserGas™ Q CF4

Unlike the previous generations of LaserGas™ products, the LaserGas™ Q family measures in the mid-infrared spectrum which allows for better detection limits. As well as detection of gases not obtainable with the more common near-infrared spectroscopy. 

The sensor has low maintenance cost and does not require regular maintenance. The absence of extractive conditioning systems further improves availability of the measurements and eliminates errors related to sample handling. 

The monitor is mounted directly onto flanges, which include purge gas connections and a tilting mechanism for easy alignment. Continuous purge flow prevents dust and other contamination from settling on the optical windows. Once power and data lines are connected, measurements are performed in real-time. 

Neo Monitors LaserGas™ R2P

LaserGas™ R2P

The rack mountedLaserGas™ R2P Monitor employs a measurement cell concept to combine extractive measurement with a compact analyser design. The measurement path length will enhance the detection limit. Heated and non-heated cells are available. 

Neo Monitors LaserDust™


LaserDust™ Medium Path (MP), Long Path (LP), and Extra Long Path (XLP) Monitors are compact, optical dust monitors for true continuous in-situ measurement of dust concentration or opacity. 

The monitors are designed for measurement across pipes, stacks, and ducts with typical path lengths of 0.5 – 10 m. LaserDust™ Monitors use a transmitter/receiver configuration to measure the dust concentration along the optical line of sight. Our true non-contact approach is superior to point type dust meters. 

With innovative laser technology the LaserDust™ combines two measurement principles in one instrument. At low dust levels it operates with forward scattered light technology: 

The incident laser light is scattered by dust particles and collected onto a solid-state sensor for dust quantification. This highly sensible mode enables detection limits of < 0.5 mg/Nm3 and is unaffected by dust depositing on the windows. 

At high dust levels the LaserDust™ will measure transmittance or opacity: 

Light absorption by dust particles is captured by a 2nd sensor. 

By means of an absorption measurement, the colour indicator (e.g. Hazen, ASTM) is determined and provides you with information about contaminants and dissolved matter in the liquids. Typical applications include monitoring the colour of fuels, acids or of raw and process water.

Sigrist ColorPlus 2 (HAZEN and DOC Measurement in Raw Water)

ColorPlus 2 (HAZEN and DOC Measurement in Raw Water)

Knowing the organic load of your raw water and the colour staining of your raw water intake can provide a feed-forward element of control to your water treatment process to optimise the treatment process and save money.

Until now, measuring the dissolved organics and colour required an expensive system. With the Sigrist ColorPlus the upfront cost is low enough so that your ROI is going to be much higher, much sooner.

The ColorPlus measures the colour by absorption online using up to three different wavelengths. The bypass measuring cell has been specifically designed for applications within the water industry. Depending on the configuration you select, it allows measuring DOC (UV absorption) and colour (Hazen) simultaneously while compensating for turbidity, which would otherwise influence the results

Sigrist SICON


The control unit SICON uses state-of-the-art touch screen technology with colour display. It allows simple operation using logical menu guidance. The user can select how results are displayed, either as plain values, graphs or historical data, including the indication of system and alarm status.

The control unit SICON offers all possibilities of full system integration using various interface options. A SD card is standard and can be used for data logging with almost unlimited storage capacity.

The SICON is available as a control unit for a single instrument, or the SICON M Control Unit which allows simple operation of several instruments up to a maximum of 8 measuring channels.

Sigrist ColorPlus Ex

ColorPlus Ex

The ColorPlus Ex, in both inline and bypass configurations, is designed to accommodate up to three different light sources (UV and visible range) for the measurement of color, DOC and concentrations. For example, one (or two), of the colours can be used to measure concentration, and the third light source can be used for turbidity compensation, if turbidity is a potential complicating factor in your process.

This ColorPlus Ex version features a flameproof encapsulation and is offered for installations in areas requiring explosion protection.

Sigrist SIREL Ex


The Sirel Ex is the hazardous area Operator Interface for the ColorPlus Ex (colour and UV) and DualScat Ex (turbidity). The Sirel Ex has simple installation specifically for mounting in an Ex-zone with user controls and display. The display of the unit is visible through a safety window at any time.

Optimize your process with a continuous concentration measurement of different substances in liquids. A typical application is to monitor waste water for traces of phenol. Effluent from mineral oil processing plants, plastics production etc. contain a high amount of phenol and have to be treated prior to being discharged into the environment.

Sigrist ColorPlus Ex

ColorPlus Ex

The ColorPlus Ex, in both inline and bypass configurations, is designed to accommodate up to three different light sources (UV and visible range) for the measurement of color, DOC and concentrations. For example, one (or two), of the colours can be used to measure concentration, and the third light source can be used for turbidity compensation, if turbidity is a potential complicating factor in your process.

This ColorPlus Ex version features a flameproof encapsulation and is offered for installations in areas requiring explosion protection.

Sigrist SIREL Ex


The Sirel Ex is the hazardous area Operator Interface for the ColorPlus Ex (colour and UV) and DualScat Ex (turbidity). The Sirel Ex has simple installation specifically for mounting in an Ex-zone with user controls and display. The display of the unit is visible through a safety window at any time.

Centec CombiTec


COMBITEC is used for 3-component solutions to measure simultaneously density, sound velocity and concentration e. g. in a mixture of acid and salt in water or in systems such as sulfuric acid/oleum or methanol/formaldehyde.

The quality of ultrapure water for production and cleaning processes has to meet high standards. Ozone is a powerful oxidizing agent and is well suited for disinfection and sanitisation of ultrapure water.

Sigrist ColorPlus 2 O3 Water and Gas

ColorPlus 2 O3 Water and Gas

The ColorPlus O3 analyuser can be setup to measure ozone in either gases or ultra-pure water. Let’s have a brief overview of both versions.

Measuring Ozone O3 in Water: The Sigrist ColorPlus 2 O3 Ozone meter for ultra-pure water measures the ozone concentration at a wavelength of 254nm according to standard DIN 19627 and the IOA (International Ozone Association). This instrument has a special measuring cell with a path-length of 100mm which allows measuring ozone in ultra pure water in the ppb range.

Measuring Ozone for Gases measures the ozone concentration according to standard DIN 19627 and the IOA at a wavelength of 254nm. According to these standards, the extinction coefficient is 3024 l/mol cm. Therefore, the ozone measurement can be regarded as an absolute measurement requiring no calibration with ozone.

Sigrist SICON


The control unit SICON uses state-of-the-art touch screen technology with colour display. It allows simple operation using logical menu guidance. The user can select how results are displayed, either as plain values, graphs or historical data, including the indication of system and alarm status.

The control unit SICON offers all possibilities of full system integration using various interface options. A SD card is standard and can be used for data logging with almost unlimited storage capacity.

The SICON is available as a control unit for a single instrument, or the SICON M Control Unit which allows simple operation of several instruments up to a maximum of 8 measuring channels.

Monitor your process water / process waste water for traces of oil by using an oil-in-water monitor. This ensures that process faults are detected at an early stage and/or environmental pollution resulting from exceeding the limits is avoided.

Sigrist OilGuard 2W

OilGuard 2W

The instrument is used for monitoring oil traces in raw, surface run-off, process and wastewater. As a result of the non-contact (free-fall) measurement, there is no drift in readings as a result of window fouling. Another benefit of this design feature is the extremely low need for maintenance. This instrument is for non-hazardous applications.

No external operator interface is required as the colour touch-pad is integral to the analyser.

If the environment is hazardous, please refer to the OilGuard Ex

ProDetec has access the the worlds best gas detectors for a wide range of industries.  Whether the need is for a single application or multiple sites and areas, our durable gas monitoring solutions meet your unique industrial needs. We offer a broad range of gas detectors and controllers to satisfy international certification standards such as  SIL (Safety Integrity Level), Marine and IECEx.

Teledyne Oldham Simtronics GD10P Hydrocarbon Infra Red Point Gas Detector

GD10P Hydrocarbon Infra Red Point Gas Detector

The Simtronics GD10P detector is the benchmark for combustible gas detection for offshore oil and gas installations. It has set the standard for gas detectors in the areas of safety, stability and low maintenance both onshore & offshore. 

The GD10P has been designed with features that provide an effective response to the detection of gas hazards in a wide range of industrial environments from boiler plant rooms to offshore petrochemical installations. 

These IR gas detectors differ from all other models, because they utilise silicon based solid-state IR sources. The complete opto-mechanical design and construction is so stable that an ultra-fast speed of response can be achieved whilst providing unparalleled service life and detector stability, thus saving on maintenance and service costs. 

We offer the longest combined detector and IR source warranty on the market. 

For retrofit applications, a bridge interface is available allowing the detector to be connected directly to catalytic systems, using cabling and control modules. 

Teledyne Oldham Simtronics GD10PE High Sensitivity Gas Detector

GD10PE High Sensitivity Gas Detector

The GD10PE is designed for critical applications involving large volumes of air with high velocity. In places where you need fast reliable detection of low gas concentrations, GD10PE is in a class of its own. 

The versatile GD10PE is suitable for monitoring, among others, the HVAC air intakes of living quarters, temporary refuges and local equipment rooms. In addition, the ventilation air and combustion air intakes of gas turbines can be monitored along with the ventilation air extract duct, the only location where you can guarantee to detect a gas leak on a turbine package. With a measuring range of 0-20%LEL the GD10PE is 5 times more sensitive than standard point detectors. This, and a response time in the region of 1 second should cover even the most demanding requirements. It can also tolerate continuous operation at 85°C inside the duct. 

Teledyne Oldham Simtronics iTrans2 Gas Detector

iTrans2 Gas Detector

The iTrans2 infrared gas detector employs an intelligent electronics platform to provide one or two points of detection from a single head for maximum flexibility, superior performance, and lower installation costs. With the optional HART Communication Protocol, the iTrans2 offers remote diagnostics, set-up, or calibration by superimposing a high-frequency current across the industry standard 4-20mA analog line.

Teledyne Oldham Simtronics OLCT100 Gas Detector

OLCT100 Gas Detector

The high-performance OLCT 100-XP-MS range of flammable gas detectors from Teledyne Gas and Flame Detection now incorporates cutting-edge MEMS (Micro-ElectroMechanical Systems) sensor technology. Delivering the market’s most accurate readings for over 14 of the most common combustible gases and gas mixes — including hydrogen, methane, propane and butane — MEMS technology adds to the capabilities provided by conventional sensors. Users also enjoy notable advantages regarding ‘poison’ immunity and operating life, particularly in environments that sometimes prove challenging for catalytic sensors.

Teledyne Oldham Simtronics DG-TX7 Catalytic Combustible Gas Detector

DG-TX7 Catalytic Combustible Gas Detector

The MultiXplo DG-TX7 intelligent catalytic sensor based flammable gas detector used to detect Hydrogen H2 and other HC gases. The device has been designed for ease of installation, operation and maintenance in testing environments. 

Teledyne Oldham Simtronics SpyGlass Open Path Combustible Gas Detector

SpyGlass Open Path Combustible Gas Detector

The Spyglass system detects hydrocarbon gases by analysing the absorption of radiation caused by gases in the atmosphere and comparing it to background atmospheric absorption. This is accomplished between a pair of units: a Flash Source and a Detector that can monitor a distance of up to 200 metres. 

Spyglass Gas Detectors are robustly designed and can handle the toughest environments: 316L stainless steel housings that meet IP66/IP68 and NEMA 250 6P egress standards; circuit boards epoxy coated for protection; MIL-C-810C testing for humidity, salt, fog, vibration, mechanical shock and temperature extremes; and SIL-2 approval per IEC61508 is a final statement in reliability. 

Spectrex SafEye Quasar 900 Open Path Gas Detector

SafEye Quasar 900 Open Path Gas Detector

The New SafEye Quasar 900 is an open path detection system which provides continuous monitoring for combustible hydrocarbon gases. It employs “spectral fingerprint” analysis of the atmosphere using the Differential Optical Absorption Spectroscopy (DOAS) technique. The Quasar 900 consists of a Xenon Flash infrared transmitter and infrared receiver, separated over a line of sight from (7m) up to (200m) in extremely harsh environments where dust, fog, rain, snow or vibration can cause a high reduction of signal.  

Spectrex SafEye Quasar 950 H2S Open Path Gas Detector

SafEye Quasar 950 H2S Open Path Gas Detector

The Quasar 950 Open Path Toxic Gas Detector Series offers proven fast and reliable detection of toxic H2S gases and vapours over a line of sight of up to(60m) and are built for continued operation under extreme environmental conditions. The Quasar 950 can be tailored to protect your personnel and high-risk installation. Reliability is key and is assured with SIL2. 

All Quasar 950 detectors incorporate heated windows to minimize any effects from condensation, icing, snow and are totally immune to interference from sunlight or any other sources of radiation such as flare stacks, arc welding or lightning. A range of outputs are available including mA, HART, Modbus RS485 to suit all control systems. 

Spectrex SafEye Quasar 960 NH3 Open Path Gas Detector

SafEye Quasar 960 NH3 Open Path Gas Detector

The latest SafEye Quasar open path UV detection technology includes the 960 series. The Quasar 960 models detect toxic Ammonia gas, with path lengths of up to (60m). The Quasar 960 model can be tailored to protect your personnel and high-risk installation. Reliability is key and is assured with SIL2. 

All Quasar 960 detectors incorporate heated windows to minimise any effects from condensation, icing, snow and are totally immune to interference from sunlight or any other sources of radiation such as flare stacks, arc welding or lightning. A range of outputs are available including 0-20mA, HART, Modbus RS485 to suit all control systems. 

Teledyne Oldham Simtronics MX32 Multi Channel Controller

MX32 Multi Channel Controller

The new MX 32, a controller that takes analog & digital inputs and covers all needs for a wide variety of applications. The MX 32 is a compact, low-profile controller that continuously monitors gas detection and more generally any 4-20 mA, MODBUS RS485 signal from compatible detectors.

Teledyne Oldham Simtronics MX43 SIL-1 Certified Gas Detection Controller

MX43 SIL-1 Certified Gas Detection Controller

SIL-1 Certified MX 43 is a Flexible, High Quality, Easy to Use Gas Detection System 

Fully scalable, and designed to functional safety performance level 1 standards, the MX 43 is an analog and digital controller that continuously measures and controls gases in the atmosphere. The MX 43 gas detector manages both digital lines and analog channels and covers all needs for a wide variety of gas monitoring applications. The MX 43 digital technology allows up to 32 detectors to be distributed on 8 lines for increased cost savings. 

Teledyne Oldham Simtronics MX52 2- 16 Channel Gas Detection Controller

MX52 2- 16 Channel Gas Detection Controller

The MX 52 control unit allows various detectors to be connected and monitored. Any gas detector from Teledyne Gas and Flame Detection or any other 4-20 mA device can be monitored and controlled. The modular design and flexibility enable this MX 52 gas detection equipment to be adapted to your exact requirements.

Teledyne Oldham Simtronics MX62 64 Channel Gas Detection Controller

MX62 64 Channel Gas Detection Controller

An attractive solution for gas and flame detection needs, the MX 62 is a modular and flexible controller that is easy to install and reduces operational costs. The MX 62 system meets the requirements of ATEX 100 A and offers the high level of security required by SIL2 and SIL3 rated systems.

Detecting the right flame for the right application is critical when protecting your plant or process from Fire. Different fires require different technologies to accurately detect them, Whether it be UV, UV/IR, Single IR, IR3 or Intelligent Visual Flame technologies, ProDetec can offer expertise in selecting the correct detection method.

Micropack FDS300 Intelligent Visual Flame Detector

FDS300 Intelligent Visual Flame Detector

Designed for hazardous industries where fast optical flame detection is critical and nuisance alarms are not an option!

The MICROPACK FDS300 is an explosion-proof visual flame detector. It processes live video images to detect the characteristic properties of flames visually, by means of its flame detection algorithms and on-board digital signal processing.

Micropack FDS301 Intelligent Visual Flame Detector

FDS301 Intelligent Visual Flame Detector

Designed for hazardous industries where fast optical flame detection is critical and nuisance alarms are not an option!

The MICROPACK FDS301 is an explosion proof visual flame detector. It processes live video images to detect the characteristic properties of flames visually, by means of its FM and SIL 2 certified flame detection algorithms and on-board digital signal processing. It is the safest and most advanced flame detector on the market today, and its installation track record in the harshest of locations around the globe has proven the instrument to be extremely robust.

Micropack FDS303 Multi Spectrum IR Flame Detector

FDS303 Multi Spectrum IR Flame Detector

Designed for hazardous industries where fast fire detection is critical and nuisance alarms are not an option!

The MICROPACK FDS303 is an explosion-proof multi-spectrum IR flame detector. The device delivers superior performance, responding to hydrocarbon liquid fuel and gas fires at long distances.

The FDS303 has been tested by Factory Mutual to detect a hydrocarbon fuel pan fire at 60 m (~ 200 feet) in 5 seconds.

Teledyne Oldham Simtronics DF-TV7 IR3 Flame Detector (SIL3)

DF-TV7 IR3 Flame Detector (SIL3)

The MultiFlame DF-TV7–T is a multi-spectrum infrared flame detector using three wavelengths. The MultiFlame DF-TV7-T responds to hydrocarbon fires and is the right choice for operation in dirty environments or for detection of smoky fires.  

Teledyne Oldham Simtronics DF-TV7 UV2IR Flame Detector (SIL2)

DF-TV7 UV2IR Flame Detector (SIL2)

The Simtronics DF-TV7 is a combined ultraviolet / infrared flame detector offering excellent flame detection whilst maintaining outstanding false alarm immunity.  The UV/2IR Multi Flame DF-TV7  is designed to respond to unwanted hydrocarbon fires, whilst maintaining a high degree of false alarm immunity. The DF-TV7 flame detector uses combined ultraviolet/infrared (UV-2IR) optical technology that provides industry-leading immunity to false alarms based on the two IR channel design. 

The device offers a wide range of output options, as standard and is suitable for use in SIL 2 applications. The detector can be configured to communicate with a wide range of fire panels, controllers, and PLCs and offer HART 7 and Syntel (Lonworks) protocols for addressable event monitoring. The devices come standard with a configurable 4-20mA or 0-22mA (PLC) output, two configurable alarm relays, and two detector status LEDs. 

All Multi Flame detectors are equipped with a continuous optical lens auto-check to ensure that the optical path is clear and that the detector functions properly. Sensors can be replaced easily in the field without removing any cable glands. Devices are easy to test and configure using a TLU wireless handheld unit that is approved for use in hazardous areas. The TLU can also be used for wireless testing of the optical and output circuits. The TLU can also be used for wireless testing of the optical and output circuits. 

Linesense Linear Heat Detection

Linear Heat Detection

The simple and proven technology of digital Linear Heat Detection (LHD) cable, makes it a product of choice for difficult and challenging applications where other technologies struggle to work. With it’s ease of installation and low maintenance it also provides a cost effective solution where project expenditure requires to be kept at a minimum. 

The sensing cable is formed from a pair of twisted steel conductors each with temperature sensitive insulation and then an overall Nylon outer sleeve. When the temperature sensitive insulation reaches it’s predetermined alarm temperature the two conductors short together providing the digital or switched signal. The cable can be connected to any unit capable of monitoring a switched signal, i.e. Conventional fire panel, addressable switch monitor unit or PLC. 

Linesense Digital Interface Module

Digital Interface Module

The Digital Interface Module (DIM) monitors the Linear Heat Detection (LHD) cable for both Fire and Fault (open circuit) conditions. Using an additional series resistor, it can also offer discrimination of a short circuit fault on the interposing field wiring. 

With the ability to monitor up to 5000m for both Fire and Fault conditions the DIM enhances any fire detection capability and allows an appropriate action to be taken. 

The DIM has volt free relay outputs for Fire and Fault which can be configured for connecting directly into a conventional fire alarm panel or addressable interface module. 

As well as having Fire and Fault indicators built in, it has two pairs of outputs for driving remote LED indicators for Fire and Fault. 

Linesense DLI-2K  Digital Location Interface  (Monitoring Distance 2Km)

DLI-2K Digital Location Interface (Monitoring Distance 2Km)

The Digital Location Interface (DLI) monitors the Linear Heat Detection cable and identifies the location of the active alarm. The distance is then displayed in meters on the 3½ digit LCD. 

The DLI is able to monitor up to 2000m for both Fire and Fault conditions. This enhances any fire detection capability and allows an appropriate action to be taken. 

The DLI also offers flexible interface options, designed as a two-wire device for connecting directly into a conventional fire alarm panel. It also has the ability to signal via volt free relay contacts for Fire and Fault, plus a 4-20 mA output. 

IP 65 weatherproof lockable Polycarbonate enclosure with M20 and M25 cable gland knockouts. 

Linesense DLI-10K  Digital Location Interface  (Monitoring Distance 10Km)

DLI-10K Digital Location Interface (Monitoring Distance 10Km)

The Digital Location Interface (DLI) monitors the Linear Heat Detection (LHD) cable and identifies the location of the active alarm. The distance in meters is then displayed on the 4-digit LCD. 

The DLI is able to monitor up to 10,000m for both Fire and Fault conditions the DLI enhances any fire detection capability and allows an appropriate action to be taken. 

There are flexible interfacing options, designed as a two-wire device for connecting directly into a conventional fire alarm panel, it also has the ability to signal via volt free relay contacts for Fire and Fault, plus a 4-20 mA output. 

IP 65 weatherproof lockable Polycarbonate enclosure with M20 and M25 cable gland knockouts.

Linesense End Of Line Units

End Of Line Units

End Of Line (EOL) units are used in conjunction with the Interface modules to terminate the Linear Heat Detection (LHD) cable and contain the appropriate EOL component or device. This allows the modules to monitor the LHD for any open circuit fault conditions. Units fitted with test switches allow the alarm system to be tested for Fire and Fault conditions without the need for destructive use of any LHD. The units are available in several different materials to suit different applications and environments.

ProDetec can offer our customers innovative portable gas detectors that offer greater reliability, improved productivity, and better cost-efficiency to protect your workers from potential gas hazards. These gas detectors can be readily calibrated and tested on site with the aid of Automated Calibration and Bump Testing Stations.

Gas Clip Multi Gas Clip Simple Plus

Multi Gas Clip Simple Plus

No charging ever! 3 Year runtime. Reliably test for hydrogen sulphide (H2S), carbon monoxide (CO), oxygen (O2) and combustible gases (LEL) with this simple-to-use and simple-to-maintain detector. Just turn it on and have worry free assurance of protection against toxic gases 24/7 for three full years.

Gas Clip Multi Gas Clip Simple

Multi Gas Clip Simple

4 gas detector with 2 year runtime. No charging ever! Reliably test for hydrogen sulphide (H2S), carbon monoxide (CO), oxygen (O2) and combustible gases (LEL) with this simple-to-use and simple-to-maintain detector. Just turn it on and have worry free assurance of protection against toxic gases 24/7 for two full years.

Teledyne GMI PS200 4 Gas Monitor

PS200 4 Gas Monitor

The PS200 Multi Gas Detector combines quality, ruggedness, and advanced technology in a user friendly, portable gas monitor. It is compact, lightweight, water resistant, extremely robust, and is certified to multiple international and regional standards. 

The PS200 can measure any combination of LEL, O2, CO and H2S making it suitable for a wide range of personal monitoring and confined space applications. 

In addition to extensive data logging capabilities, the PS200 is available with an optional internal pump and an extensive range of accessories to meet a wide variety of user applications. 

Teledyne GMI PS500 CO2 Gas Monitor

PS500 CO2 Gas Monitor

The PS500 can be tailored to detect up to five gases with its toxic and catalytic sensors, photo ionisation detectors, and infrared capabilities. “Plug and Play” option allows the customer to “plug in” a new board with a different gas range.

Teledyne GMI PS500 5 Gas Monitor

PS500 5 Gas Monitor

Designed by our customers, this robust and accurate gas detector provides unrivalled protection in confined space applications. The PS500 can be tailored to detect up to five gases with its toxic and catalytic sensors, photo ionisation detectors, and infrared capabilities. “Plug and Play” option allows the customer to “plug in” a new board with a different gas range.

Gas Clip Multi Gas Clip Infrared

Multi Gas Clip Infrared

The MGC IR detects combustible gases (LEL), hydrogen sulphide (H2S), carbon monoxide (CO) & oxygen (O2). The MGC IR can go a full 2 months without a charge, even without ever having to be turned off. Shut down the detector nightly and the battery can last up to 4 months.

Gas Clip Multi Gas Clip Pump Infrared

Multi Gas Clip Pump Infrared

Like the MGC IR, the MGC IR Pump uses low-power photometric infrared technology to detect combustible gases (LEL) rather than age-old pellistor technology. The MGC IR Pump uses an IR source which conserves power and helps the battery last and last.

Teledyne GMI Protege ZM Single Gas Monitor

Protege ZM Single Gas Monitor

The GMI Protege ZM Single Gas Monitor is an easy-to-use, zero maintenance gas detection solution that delivers high performance in a small, ergonomically designed package. It is available in oxygen, carbon monoxide and hydrogen sulphide single gas models. This single gas monitor is incredibly reliable, giving industrial workers and first responders the confidence to focus on the task at hand, not on their equipment.  

Gas Clip Single Gas Clip

Single Gas Clip

Whether it’s the hottest or the coldest environment, our Single Gas Clip is designed and tested to provide worker safety in the harshest working conditions. Gases available are hydrogen sulphide (H2S), carbon monoxide (CO), oxygen (O2).

Gas Clip Single Gas Clip Plus

Single Gas Clip Plus

The Single Gas Clip Plus, is a maintenance free handheld gas detector with built in “Hibernate” mode for detecting hydrogen sulphide (H2S) or carbon monoxide (CO). “Hibernate” mode allows users to place this disposable single gas detector in a rested state when not in use.

Gas Clip MGC Simple Clip Dock

MGC Simple Clip Dock

The Gas Clip Technologies MGC Simple Clip Dock is an all-in-one, stand-alone docking station designed for maximum testing efficiency and portability. It tests up to four detectors simultaneously, reducing the testing time and gas usage.

Gas Clip Multi Gas Clip Dock

Multi Gas Clip Dock

The Gas Clip Technologies MGC Dock is an all-in-one stand-alone docking station designed for maximum testing efficiency and portability. It tests up to four detectors simultaneously, reducing the testing time and gas usage.

Gas Clip MGC Pump Clip Dock

MGC Pump Clip Dock

The Gas Clip Technologies MGC Pump Clip Dock is an all-in-one stand-alone docking station designed for maximum testing efficiency and portability. It tests up to four detectors simultaneously, reducing the testing time and gas usage.

Teledyne GMI PS200 ABC Station

PS200 ABC Station

The multi-functional Auto Bump/Calibration station provides simple but intelligent testing and calibration of the PS200 portable gas detector. Easy to use, with a durable, user friendly design, this automated test station offers high performance from a PC or stand-alone unit.

Teledyne GMI PS500 ABC Station

PS500 ABC Station

To provide accurate performance and results, the PS500 has to be properly used and maintained. The Auto Bump & Calibration Station (ABC) provides bump testing, calibration and data management options and is compact, robust and intuitive to use.

Gas Clip Single Gas Clip Dock

Single Gas Clip Dock

Gas Clip Technologies Single Gas Clip Dock is an all in one docking station designed for maximum testing efficiency and portability. Housed in a rugged case with robust USB memory, this station will be able to accurately test and record all monitor data while reducing the testing time and gas usage.

At ProDetec we can supply specialised gases and gas mixtures to meet various and specific requirements. We work with you to understand your application and analyse your consumption patterns. This way we can offer the correct cylinder size that maximises your efficiency while minimising costs.

ProDetec Calibration and Test Gas 44 Litre Aluminium Recyclable Reactive Multi Mixture Calibration Gas Cylinder

44 Litre Aluminium Recyclable Reactive Multi Mixture Calibration Gas Cylinder

Recyclable 44 litre cylinders available for reactive gas mixtures, supplied with either a single gas or a complex blend.

Most commonly supplied in 4 or 5 gas mixtures such as CH4, O2, CO, H2S with either SO2 or CO2

Also available in single fills containing H2S, NH3, PH3, HCN, HCL, SO2, NO2, NO in either air or nitrogen. Some reactive gases will have a shorter life – typically 12 months.

ProDetec Calibration and Test Gas 66 Litre Aluminium Recyclable Reactive Multi Mixture Calibration Gas Cylinder

66 Litre Aluminium Recyclable Reactive Multi Mixture Calibration Gas Cylinder

Recyclable 66 litre cylinders available for reactive gas mixtures, supplied with either a single gas or a complex blend.

Most commonly supplied in 4 or 5 gas mixtures such as CH4, O2, CO, H2S with either SO2 or CO2

Also available in single fills containing H2S, NH3, PH3, HCN, HCL, SO2, NO2, NO in either air or nitrogen. Some reactive gases will have a shorter life – typically 12 months.

ProDetec Calibration and Test Gas 103 Litre Steel Non-Reactive Single Gas Calibration Gas Cylinder

103 Litre Steel Non-Reactive Single Gas Calibration Gas Cylinder

Disposable cylinders available for non reactive gas mixtures, supplied with either a single gas up to three non reactive gas mixtures

Most commonly supplied in single fills containing Argon, Benzene, Butane, Carbon Dioxide, Carbon Monoxide, Ethane, Ethylene, Freon, Helium, Hexane, Hydrogen, Isobutane, Isobutylene, Methane, Nitrogen, Oxygen, Pentane, Propane, Toluene in either Air or Nitrogen backgrounds. Warranty on these gases is 48 months.


ProDetec Calibration and Test Gas 116 Litre Aluminium Recyclable Reactive Multi Mixture Calibration Gas Cylinder

116 Litre Aluminium Recyclable Reactive Multi Mixture Calibration Gas Cylinder

Recyclable 116 litre cylinders available for reactive gas mixtures, supplied with either a single gas or a complex blend.

Most commonly supplied in 4 or 5 gas mixtures such as CH4, O2, CO, H2S with either SO2 or CO2

Also available in single fills containing H2S, NH3, PH3, HCN, HCL, SO2, NO2, NO in either air or nitrogen. Some reactive gases will have a shorter life – typically 12 months.

ProDetec Calibration and Test Gas Regulators and Accessories

Regulators and Accessories

Regulators for non-refillable cylinders are available in a number of different configurations including fixed flow, push button, on-demand flow and variable flow models.

ProDetec Calibration and Test Gas Gas Recycling Program

Gas Recycling Program

Once the calibration gas cylinders are relieved of pressure they are NOT considered hazardous material or waste. Nearly all of our mixtures contain only a very small amount of a hazardous chemical(s) as a minor component in the gas mixture requested. The fact that it is such a small amount (usually in the ppm range) always precludes the gas mixture from ever being classified as hazardous.

Our calibration gas cylinder recycling program is an environmentally-friendly way to reduce waste caused by empty cylinders. We offer a free, easy way to return used cylinders for future use.

Turbidity in liquids is used as a direct measure of the effectiveness of cleaning steps such as filtration and an indirect indication of particle or solids concentration in liquids.

Sigrist TurBiScat


The Sigrist TurBiScat monitors turbidity in liquids. Depending on your application, The TurBiScat can monitor turbidity at 90° and/or 25° using the highly accurate scattered light principle. There is an additional option of measuring Colour at a 430nm wavelength to monitor beer colour in EBC.

The combination of Hastelloy and sapphire in a seal-less design allows operating the unit in practically all process applications. Window fouling is monitored, compensated and can be checked using an anti-fouling control. Calibration is performed easily and at lab values of accuracy using a secondary reference standard.

Sigrist SICON


The control unit SICON uses state-of-the-art touch screen technology with colour display. It allows simple operation using logical menu guidance. The user can select how results are displayed, either as plain values, graphs or historical data, including the indication of system and alarm status.

The control unit SICON offers all possibilities of full system integration using various interface options. A SD card is standard and can be used for data logging with almost unlimited storage capacity.

The SICON is available as a control unit for a single instrument, or the SICON M Control Unit which allows simple operation of several instruments up to a maximum of 8 measuring channels.

Measuring density of a sample is an important quality parameter of both raw materials and finished products. Various techniques enable the density of solid, viscous and liquid materials to be accurately determined e.g. metals, plastics, chemicals, lubricants and food.

Centec SonaTec


SONATEC is a highly precise sound velocity sensor for determination of sound velocities and concentrations (e. g. of acids, caustics, emulsions or solvents). The sensor can be used for instance for phase detection and for monitoring of crystallization processes.

Centec RhoTec


RHOTEC is a highly precise density sensor for determination of densities and concentrations (e. g. of acids, caustics, emulsions or solvents). The sensor can be used for instance for phase detection and for monitoring of crystallization processes.

Centec RhoTec L

RhoTec L

RHOTEC L is a highly precise sensor for determination of densities and concentrations (e. g. of extract, alcohol, sugar, acids, caustics, and solvents) according to the oscillating U-tube principle. The samples are manually injected into the sensor. The instrument is designed for laboratory applications requiring maximum sensitivity and highest accuracy.

OXYTRANS is a very precise, optical oxygen sensor for measurement of O2 in liquids and gases. A typical application is the oxygen measurement in boiler feed water and in protective atmosphere

Centec OxyTrans


Optical Oxygen Sensor

The Oxygen concentration transmitter OxyTrans TR measures continuously and accurately measures the content of oxygen in liquids and gases. While the OxyTrans was originally designed for breweries, it has found service in other industries demanding these levels of accuracy, for example power plants or bioreactors.

The O2-concentration can be displayed in different units like ppb, ppm, %oxygen, etc.

The OxyTrans is available as either a transmitter installed inline (with the TR designation) or a handheld Mobile device (with the M suffix).

As has been documented in many journals and papers, the rim seal around the entire circumference of the floating roof tank presents a major fire hazard. Floating Storage Tanks usually contain highly flammable products which can potentially cause catastrophic fires. When the fire is not detected early it can cause significant loss of plant, down time of production and in severe situations even risk to life. These can have a large financial or environmental impact.

Teledyne GMI BM25 Wireless Area Monitor

BM25 Wireless Area Monitor

The BM25 packs the benefits of a fixed system area monitor into a rugged, user-friendly and transportable instrument. It was designed to detect one to five gases for mobile or temporary work applications, team protection, area surveillance or places where fixed detection systems are not suitable.

Micropack FDS301 Intelligent Visual Flame Detector

FDS301 Intelligent Visual Flame Detector

Designed for hazardous industries where fast optical flame detection is critical and nuisance alarms are not an option!

The MICROPACK FDS301 is an explosion proof visual flame detector. It processes live video images to detect the characteristic properties of flames visually, by means of its FM and SIL 2 certified flame detection algorithms and on-board digital signal processing. It is the safest and most advanced flame detector on the market today, and its installation track record in the harshest of locations around the globe has proven the instrument to be extremely robust.

Linesense Linear Heat Detection

Linear Heat Detection

The simple and proven technology of digital Linear Heat Detection (LHD) cable, makes it a product of choice for difficult and challenging applications where other technologies struggle to work. With it’s ease of installation and low maintenance it also provides a cost effective solution where project expenditure requires to be kept at a minimum. 

The sensing cable is formed from a pair of twisted steel conductors each with temperature sensitive insulation and then an overall Nylon outer sleeve. When the temperature sensitive insulation reaches it’s predetermined alarm temperature the two conductors short together providing the digital or switched signal. The cable can be connected to any unit capable of monitoring a switched signal, i.e. Conventional fire panel, addressable switch monitor unit or PLC. 

Linesense Automatic Cable Reeler

Automatic Cable Reeler

Floating roof storage tanks usually contain highly flammable products which can potentially cause catastrophic fires. When the fire is not detected early it can cause significant loss of plant, down time of production and in severe situations even risk to life. These can have a large financial or environmental impact. 

The main cause of fires is the ignition of flammable vapours leaking from a worn or damaged rim seal. 

Early detection of the incipient fire is paramount for any fire suppression measures preventing the growth and spread of the fire. The design and size of storage tanks can differ with each operator and site, requiring a flexible solution to meet individual needs. With its ease of installation and low maintenance Linesense digital Linear Heat Detection (LHD) cable provides a cost effective answer. The LHD cable can be cut to length as required and a single cable can protect the largest of storage tanks. 

Linesense Linear Heat Detection cable is simple and reliable, providing uninterrupted detection along its length ensuring the complete circumference of the rim seal is protected. 

The LHD cable installed around the rim seal of a floating roof tank requires an electrical connection between roof level and a junction box at the top of the tank wall. The connecting cable needs to allow for the rise and fall of the floating roof as the tank fills and empties. The cable reeler automatically adjusts for the movements of the roof, dispensing cable out as the level falls and reeling cable back in when the level rises. The Automatic Cable Reeler is installed at the top of the tank wall and provides a four-core cable to connect to a junction box located on the tank roof. 

Linesense End Of Line Units

End Of Line Units

End Of Line (EOL) units are used in conjunction with the Interface modules to terminate the Linear Heat Detection (LHD) cable and contain the appropriate EOL component or device. This allows the modules to monitor the LHD for any open circuit fault conditions. Units fitted with test switches allow the alarm system to be tested for Fire and Fault conditions without the need for destructive use of any LHD. The units are available in several different materials to suit different applications and environments.

Audible, Visual Sounders and Sirens are used for alert and alarm purposes in the process, mining and industrial applications

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E2S BExS110 Ex d Alarm Horn – Radial Omni-directional

BExS110 Ex d Alarm Horn – Radial Omni-directional

The flameproof BExS110 alarm sounders are suitable for Zone 1, 2, 21 & 22 applications. Approved to IECEx, ATEX, Ex EAC and INMETRO standards.

The BExS110-R is an alarm sounder featuring a radial omni-directional horn that disperses the alarm tones radially. Ideal for applications requiring a compact audible signalling solution.
The BEx explosion proof Ex d range features enclosures manufactured from corrosion proof, marine grade copper free LM6 aluminium with chromate and powder coat finish.


E2S A105N Alarm Sounder

A105N Alarm Sounder

The A105N is a high output, 112dB(A) alarm sounder. UL and GOST-R approved and tested to EN54-3 for CPR compliance (89/106/EEC) for fire alarm use. For marine applications the A105N is MED approved.

Low current consumption and high SPL in a robust fire retardant IP66 housing ensure the A105N is suitable for all general signalling applications including fire, security and process control.

E2S A100 Alarm Sounder

A100 Alarm Sounder

The A100 is a compact, high output, 104dB(A) alarm sounder. CPR complaint, EN54-3 tested and UL approved. Featuring 32 alarm tone frequencies and 3 remotely activated stages/channels.

Low current consumption and high SPL in a robust fire retardant housing ensure the A100 is suitable for all general signalling applications including fire, security and process control. The A100 is a member of the versatile AlertAlarm family of industrial alarm horn sounders – also available with Xenon, AL100X or LED beacons, AL100H.

E2S A112N Alarm Sounder

A112N Alarm Sounder

The A112N is a high output, 119dB(A) alarm sounder. UL and GOST-R approved and tested to EN54-3 for CPR compliance (89/106/EEC) for fire alarm use. For marine applications the A112N is MED approved.

High SPL in a robust fire retardant IP66 housing ensure the A112N is suitable for all general signalling applications including fire, security and process control.

E2S A121 Alarm Sounder

A121 Alarm Sounder

The A121 is a very high output, 126dB(A) alarm sounder. UL and GOST-R approved and tested to EN54-3 for CPR compliance (89/106/EEC) for fire alarm use.

High SPL in a robust, fire retardant IP66 housing ensure the A121 is suitable for all general signalling applications including fire, security and process control.

E2S A131 High Level Audible Warning System

A131 High Level Audible Warning System

The A131 is a high output 131dB(A) @ 1 metre electronic siren in a compact and easy to install package. Using up to four speakers, it can be mounted in a variety of ways for applications with sound coverage requirements up to 300m.

The A131 modular system is ideal as a plant alarm to cover outdoor locations, areas with high background noise or smaller COMAH (Seveso II) applications. Offering a choice of three alarm stages, selected from a choice 45 tones including many national standard tones, it can be incorporated in fire, security and general alarm systems where existing equipment is not powerful enough or the system needs expanding.

E2S A141 High Level Audible Warning System 141dB(A)

A141 High Level Audible Warning System 141dB(A)

The A141 is the latest in a new generation of high output electronic sounders from E2S which are ideal for wide area and disaster warning applications requiring sound coverage up to 750m.

With a choice of 45 standard warning tones including many international signals the A141 is also available in a ‘Stage Programmable’ version which can offer up to 4 remotely activated stages of alarm. Typical installation include COMAH (Seveso II) Alarm, Toxic Gas Release, Fire, Security, Flood Warning, Tsunami Alert and Civil Defence.

E2S BExS110 Explosion Proof Alarm Horn Sounder

BExS110 Explosion Proof Alarm Horn Sounder

The flameproof BExS110 alarm sounders are suitable for Zone 1, 2, 21 & 22 applications. Approved to IECEx, ATEX, Ex EAC and INMETRO standards. Available as SIL 1 and SIL 2 compliant.

Sound level outputs of up to 117dB(A) at 1 metre with a choice of 32 alarm tones and 3 remotely selectable stages.
The BEx explosion proof Ex d range features enclosures manufactured from corrosion proof, marine grade copper free LM6 aluminium with chromate and powder coat finish.
Available in MED approved and SIL2 compliant versions.
For fire applications the BExS110D 24V dc siren is CPD EN89/106/EEC compliant (EN54-3 tested).

E2S BExS120 Explosion Proof Flare Horn Alarm Sounder

BExS120 Explosion Proof Flare Horn Alarm Sounder

The flameproof BExS120 alarm sounders are suitable for Zone 1, 2, 21 & 22 applications. Approved to IECEx, ATEX, Ex EAC and INMETRO standards.

Sound level outputs are up to 123dB(A) at 1 metre with a choice of 32 alarm tones and 3 remotely selectable stages.
The BEx explosion proof Ex d range features enclosures manufactured from corrosion proof, marine grade copper free LM6 aluminium with chromate and powder coat finish.
For fire applications the BExS120D 24V dc siren is CPD EN89/106/EEC compliant (EN54-3 tested).

E2S BExH120 ‘Hootronic’ Explosion Proof Alarm Horn

BExH120 ‘Hootronic’ Explosion Proof Alarm Horn

The flameproof BExH120 Hootronic Siren is suitable for Zone 1, 2, 21 & 22 applications. Approved to IECEx, ATEX, Ex EAC and INMETRO standards. The BExH120 authentically reproduces the traditional sounds of electro-mechanical devices whilst providing a significantly higher level of performance and reliability.

The E2S Hootronic series of products faithfully reproduce the sounds made by legacy electro-mechanical signalling devices but in a modern, reliable and cost effective way. With output levels of up to 117.5dB(A) at 1 metre the BExH120 surpasses legacy electro-mechanical devices in performance and effectiveness, it is also continuously rated, requires zero maintenance and the signal quality will not degrade with age.

E2S BEx Plated Assemblies

BEx Plated Assemblies

The BEx explosion proof Ex d family of alarm horn sounders, Xenon strobe and LED beacons can be configured to create sets of status lights suitable for onshore and offshore applications.

Mounted onto a stainless steel backplate, E2S can offer up to 5 different components complete with the option of Exe Junction Box to simplify installation. Status lights configurations can utilise the high power BExBGL2 LED beacon. Warning beacons utilising Xenon strobe technology – available in 5, 10, 15 and 21J outputs (up to 485 Cd) and providing effective warning in all conditions.

E2S BExBG05 Explosion Proof Xenon Beacon 5 Joule

BExBG05 Explosion Proof Xenon Beacon 5 Joule

The flameproof BExBG05 5 Joule, 120 candela Xenon beacons are suitable for Zone 1, 2, 21 & 22 applications. Approved to IECEx, ATEX, Ex EAC and INMETRO standards. Available as SIL 1 and SIL 2 compliant.

The BExBG05 5 Joule beacons robust construction enables installation in the harshest of environments. Additional features include automatic synchronisation on multi-beacon systems and stainless steel guard and mounting bracket as standard.
The BEx range features enclosures manufactured from corrosion proof, marine grade copper free LM6 aluminium with a chromate and powder coat finish. All models have two M20 cable entries, large termination areas containing in & out terminals and an ingress protection of IP66/67.

E2S BExBG10 Explosion Proof Xenon Beacon 10 Joule

BExBG10 Explosion Proof Xenon Beacon 10 Joule

The flameproof BExBG10 10 Joule, 380 candela Xenon beacons are suitable for Zone 1, 2, 21 & 22 applications. Approved to IECEx, ATEX, Ex EAC and INMETRO standards. Available as SIL 1 and SIL 2 compliant.

The BExBG10 10 Joule Xenon strobe beacons robust construction enables installation in the harshest of environments. Additional features include automatic synchronisation on multi-beacon systems and stainless steel guard and mounting bracket as standard.
The explosion proof Ex d BEx range features enclosures manufactured from corrosion proof, marine grade copper free LM6 aluminium with a chromate and powder coat finish. All models have two M20 cable entries, large termination areas containing in & out terminals and an ingress protection of IP66/67.

E2S BExBG15 Explosion Proof Xenon Beacon 15 Joule

BExBG15 Explosion Proof Xenon Beacon 15 Joule

The flameproof BExBG15 15 Joule, 468 candela Xenon beacons are suitable for Zone 1, 2, 21 & 22 applications. Approved to IECEx, ATEX, Ex EAC and INMETRO standards. Available as SIL 1 and SIL 2 compliant.

The BExBG15 15 Joule Xenon strobe beacons robust construction enables installation in the harshest of environments. Additional features include automatic synchronisation on multi-beacon systems and stainless steel guard and mounting bracket as standard.
The explosion proof Ex d BEx range features enclosures manufactured from corrosion proof, marine grade copper free LM6 aluminium with a chromate and powder coat finish. All models have two M20 cable entries, large termination areas containing in & out terminals and an ingress protection of IP66/67.

E2S BExBG21 Explosion Proof Xenon Beacon 21 Joule

BExBG21 Explosion Proof Xenon Beacon 21 Joule

The flameproof BExBG21 21 Joule, 520 candela Xenon beacons are suitable for Zone 1, 2, 21 & 22 applications. Approved to IECEx, ATEX, Ex EAC and INMETRO standards. SIL1 compliant.

The BExBG21 21 Joule Xenon strobe beacons robust construction enables installation in the harshest of environments. The BExBG21 has three distinct user selectable flash patterns and for units with DC operating voltages a second stage flash pattern can be selected remotely. Additional features include a stainless steel guard and stainless steel mounting bracket as standard.
The explosion proof Ex d BEx range features enclosures manufactured from corrosion proof, marine grade copper free LM6 aluminium with a chromate and powder coat finish. All models have two M20 cable entries, large termination areas containing in & out terminals and an ingress protection of IP66/67.

Manual alarm call points are designed for the purpose of raising an alarm manually once verification of a fire or emergency condition exists, by operating the push button or break glass the alarm signal can be raised.

E2S BExCP3-BG Break Glass Manual Call Point

BExCP3-BG Break Glass Manual Call Point

The BExCP3-BG break glass manual call points are designed for the harshest of environments and approved for Zone 1, 2, 21 and 22 explosion proof hazardous areas for the control of fire and gas alarm systems. SIL2 compliant to IEC61508 (2010).

The BEx range features enclosures manufactured from corrosion proof, marine grade, copper free LM6 (A413) aluminium with a chromated and powder coat finish. Available with and without monitoring resistors all versions are certified to IECEx and ATEX standards with additional PESO, INMETRO and Ex EAC approvals. The break glass element features a safety membrane and is designed to snap ensuring the no glass fragments are released during activation. A hammer is available as an accessory if required by local code.

E2S BExCP3-PB Push Button Manual Call Point

BExCP3-PB Push Button Manual Call Point

The BExCP3-PB push button manual call points are designed for the harshest of environments and approved for Zone 1, 2, 21 and 22 explosion proof hazardous areas for the control of fire and gas alarm systems. SIL2 compliant to IEC61508 (2010).

The BEx range features enclosures manufactured from corrosion proof, marine grade, copper free LM6 (A413) aluminium with a chromated and powder coat finish. Available with and without monitoring resistors all versions are certified to IECEx and ATEX standards with additional PESO, INMETRO and Ex EAC approvals. The push button mechanism is protected by a spring loaded cover therefore the switch requires a two-action activation. The BExCP3-PB is user re-settable by rotating the push button.

E2S IS-CP4-PB Push Button Manual Call Point

IS-CP4-PB Push Button Manual Call Point

The IS-CP4-PB push button manual call points are designed for the harshest of environments and approved for Zones 0, 1, 2, 21 & 22 requiring hazardous area intrinsically safe equipment for the control of fire and gas alarm systems. SIL2 compliant to IEC61508 (2010).

The IS-CP4 range features enclosures manufactured from corrosion proof, marine grade, copper free LM6 (A413) aluminium which is chromated and powder coated. Available with and without monitoring resistors all versions are certified to IECEx and ATEX standards with additional INMETRO and Ex EAC approvals. The push button mechanism is protected by a spring loaded cover therefore the switch requires a two-action activation. The IS-CP4-PB is user re-settable by rotating the push button.

E2S GNExCP6-BG Break Glass Manual Call Point

GNExCP6-BG Break Glass Manual Call Point

Available with optional EOL or series resistors, diode or Zener diodes and an LED indicator. Also with either single or double pole change over switches. Certified to IECEx and ATEX standards with additional PESO, INMETRO and Ex EAC approvals. The break glass element features a safety membrane and is designed to snap ensuring the no glass fragments are released during activation. A hammer is available as an accessory if required by local code.

The flameproof GNExCP6-BG break glass manual call points are approved for Zone 1, 2, 21 and 22 hazardous areas for the control of fire and gas alarm systems. The robust, lightweight GRP enclosure is UV stable and provides a corrosion free initiation solution for harsh and hazardous applications on and offshore.

E2S GNExCP6-PB Push Button Manual Call Point

GNExCP6-PB Push Button Manual Call Point

The flameproof GNExCP6-PB push button manual call points are approved for Zone 1, 2, 21 and 22 hazardous areas for the control of fire and gas alarm systems. The robust, lightweight GRP enclosure is UV stable and provides a corrosion free solution for initiation in harsh and hazardous applications on and offshore.

Available with optional EOL or series resistors, diode or Zener diodes and an LED indicator. Also available with either single or double pole change over switches. Certified to IECEx and ATEX standards with additional PESO, INMETRO and Ex EAC approvals. The push button mechanism is protected by a spring loaded cover therefore the switch requires a two-action activation. The GNExCP6-PB is user re-settable by rotating the push button.

E2S GNExCP6-PT Push Button Tool Reset Call Point

GNExCP6-PT Push Button Tool Reset Call Point

The flameproof GNExCP6-PB tool reset push button manual call points are approved for Zone 1, 2, 21 and 22 hazardous areas for the control of fire and gas alarm systems. The robust, lightweight GRP enclosure is UV stable and provides a corrosion free solution for initiation in harsh and hazardous applications on and offshore.

Available with optional EOL or series resistors, diode or Zener diodes and an LED indicator. Also available with either single or double pole change over switches. Certified to IECEx and ATEX standards with additional PESO, INMETRO and Ex EAC approvals. The push button mechanism is protected by a spring loaded cover therefore the switch requires a two-action activation. The GNExCP6-PT is user re-settable via the use of the special key supplied with the unit.