After 30 years of research and development in electro-optics and laser technology, Neo Monitors was founded in 2003, and it is now a leading manufacturer and supplier of tuneable diode laser gas analysers
The Neo cross-stack and open area gas monitoring has made Neo’s products the preferred choice for a broad range of applications within process and emission control.
LaserGas™ iQ2analyser is the first to measure up to four gases (O2, CO, CH4, H2O) and temperature depending on configuration, which eliminates the need for multiple units for combustion analysis.
The cutting-edge design and ground-breaking functionalityensure that the instrument delivers unmatched reliability and durability. Customers may replace existing analysers where explosion risks or high maintenance issues are a huge concern.
LaserGas™ iQ2 Vulcan is the first in-situ single-flange solution to measure up to four gases (O2, CO, CH4, H2O) as well as the process temperature in a single unit.
Based on the well-proven and trusted tunable diode laser absorption spectroscopy (TDLAS) technology, the solution combines cutting-edge design and ground-breaking functionality. It is a complete combustion solution eliminating the need for multiple units.
Advanced TDLAS technology enables unmatched reliability and durability. Installation costs of this all-in-one solution are significantly reduced since only one flange is needed. In addition, operational and maintenance costs are kept at a minimum.
LaserGas™ III SP is the third generation in-situ analyzer, designed for safety applications with a special focus on SIL-applications and Ex-d. A compact sized instrument which is easy to install. The instrument is a placed in a sealed housing which eliminates the need for instrument purging.The instrument does not require regular maintenance.
The monitor is mounted directly onto flanges, which include purge gas connections and a tilting mechanism for easy alignment. Continuous purge flow prevents dust and other contamination from settling on the optical windows. Once power and data lines are connected, measurements are performed in real-time.
LaserGas™ III SP is the third generation in-situ analyzer, designed for safety applications with a special focus on SIL-applications and Ex-d. A compact sized instrument which is easy to install. The instrument is a placed in a sealed housing which eliminates the need for instrument purging.The instrument does not require regular maintenance.
The monitor is mounted directly onto flanges, which include purge gas connections and a tilting mechanism for easy alignment. Continuous purge flow prevents dust and other contamination from settling on the optical windows. Once power and data lines are connected, measurements are performed in real-time.
LaserGas™ II SP(Single Path) is a non-contact optical measurement method also known as in-situ. The analyser is suitable for variety of gases and process conditions, including dual gas measurements. Laser Gas™ II SP has also a wide range of Ex-certifications, including IECEx, ATEX, CSA.
The instrument does not require any consumables and does not require regular maintenance. The absence of extractive conditioning systems further improves availability of the measurements and eliminates errors related to sample handling.
Once power, data lines and purge are connected, the instrument is ready to use and measurements are performed in real-time.
The LaserGas™ II Single Path Hydrogen is a specially designed version that is tailored for Hydrogen measurements. The sensor remains unaffected by contaminants corrosives and does not require regular maintenance. The absence of extractive conditioning systems further improves availability of the measurements and eliminates errors related to sample handling.
Once power,data lines and purge are connected, the instrument is ready to use and measurements are performed in real-time.
Derived from the standard Single Path instrument. The Compact monitor is optimized for short distance measurement in the range 10 to 100 centimetres. It is a non-contact optical measurement method also known as in-situ.
LaserGas™ II SP Compact offers a wide variety of gases, measurement and temperature ranges and dual gas measurements. LaserGas™ II SP has also a wide range of Ex-certifications, including IECEx, ATEX, CSA. The instrument does not require any consumables and does not require regular maintenance.
The absence of extractive conditioning systems further improves availability of the measurements and eliminates errors related to sample handling. Once power,data lines and purge are connected, the instrument is ready to use and measurements are performed in real-time. It also has smaller physical dimensions compared to the LaserGas™ II SP.
Unlike the previous generations of LaserGas™ products, the LaserGas™ Q family measures in the mid-infrared spectrum which allows for better detection limits. As well as detection of gases not obtainable with the more common near-infrared spectroscopy.
The sensor has low maintenance cost and does not require regular maintenance. The absence of extractive conditioning systems further improves availability of the measurements and eliminates errors related to sample handling.
The monitor is mounted directly onto flanges, which include purge gas connections and a tilting mechanism for easy alignment. Continuous purge flow prevents dust and other contamination from settling on the optical windows. Once power and data lines are connected, measurements are performed in real-time.
Unlike the previous generations of LaserGas™ products, the LaserGas™ Q family measures in the mid-infrared spectrum which allows for better detection limits. As well as detection of gases not obtainable with the more common near-infrared spectroscopy.
The sensor has low maintenance cost and does not require regular maintenance. The absence of extractive conditioning systems further improves availability of the measurements and eliminates errors related to sample handling.
The monitor is mounted directly onto flanges, which include purge gas connections and a tilting mechanism for easy alignment. Continuous purge flow prevents dust and other contamination from settling on the optical windows. Once power and data lines are connected, measurements are performed in real-time.
LaserGas™ II Multi Pass combines extractive measurement with a compact analyser design. The laser beam is coupled into a measurement cell, where it is reflected multiple times between two spherical mirrors to enhance the analyser sensitivity.
The monitor is a turn-key instrument. No other operations than connecting power, sample gas tubes and optional purge are required during installation. LaserGas™ MP provides a reliable and easy to use solution for a wide variety of applications.
LaserGas™ III Open Path gas detector is specifically designed for continuous monitoring in hazardous areas.
Based on our third generation LaserGas™ Technology, the entire instrument is built into compact flameproof enclosures which makes it ideal for zone 1 locations.
The LaserGas™ III OP consists of a transmitter and receiver unit that is mounted facing each other at distances up to 100 meters. The laser light is sent from the transmitter to the receiver and any changes in gas concentration along the optical path from the transmitter to the receiver are detected in real-time.
LaserGas™ II Open Path is a compact, high performance gas monitor for ambient long-distance monitoring. The LaserGas™ II OP consists of a transceiver and retro-reflector unit.
The retro-reflector unit consists of one or several cube corners in a weatherproof enclosure, which reflects the light back to the transceiver. The detector collects the returned light for calculation of the gas concentration.
An optional auto-alignment unit can also be applied to ensure consistent alignment over time.
LaserDust™ Medium Path (MP), Long Path (LP), and Extra Long Path (XLP) Monitors are compact, optical dust monitors for true continuous in-situ measurement of dust concentration or opacity.
The monitors are designed for measurement across pipes, stacks, and ducts with typical path lengths of 0.5 – 10 m.LaserDust™ Monitors use a transmitter/receiver configuration to measure the dust concentration along the optical line of sight. Our true non-contact approach is superior to point type dust meters.
With innovative laser technology the LaserDust™ combines two measurement principles in one instrument.At low dust levels it operates with forward scattered light technology:
The incident laser light is scattered by dust particles and collected onto a solid-state sensor for dust quantification. This highly sensible mode enables detection limits of < 0.5 mg/Nm3 and is unaffected by dust depositing on the windows.
At high dust levels the LaserDust™ will measure transmittance or opacity:
Light absorption by dust particles is captured by a 2nd sensor.
The rack mountedLaserGas™ R2P Monitor employs a measurement cell concept to combine extractive measurement with a compact analyser design. The measurement path length will enhance the detection limit. Heated and non-heated cells are available.
LaserGas™ III HF Portableanalyser is compact, lightweight and battery powered instrument which is ideal for HF leakage detection.With on-board pump and connections for Teflon tubing the target gas is continuously transferred into the internal measurement cell.
The instrument´s low power design gives long operating time on each battery cycle. The analyser provides reliable operation with instantaneous response and sufficient dynamic range to measure from sub ppm to several hundred ppm HF concentrations.