LaserGas™ R2P

The rack mountedLaserGas™ R2P Monitor employs a measurement cell concept to combine extractive measurement with a compact analyser design. The measurement path length will enhance the detection limit. Heated and non-heated cells are available. 



Technical Description – LaserGas™ R2P


  • Low detection limits
  • No zero drift 
  • Rack mounted 


  • CH4 
  • CO % + CO2 % 
  • CO ppm 
  • CO ppm + CH4 
  • CO2 ppm 
  • H2S 
  • HCl 
  • HCl + H2O % 
  • HCN 
  • HCN + NH3 
  • NH3 
  • NH3 + H2O % 
  • O2 

A Closer Look

  • Short response time 
  • Low detection limits 
  • No interference from background gases 
  • Stable calibration 
  • No zero drift 
  • Offline gas analysis in controlled environment 
  • Rack mounted 
  • Heated cell available 
Neo Monitors LaserGas™ R2P


  • Laboratory and university 
  • Chemical industry 
  • Petrochemical industry 
  • Power plants 
  • CEMS 
  • …and more 

Customer Benefits 

  • Compact analyser design 
  • Rack mounted 
  • Measures trace levels of gases 
  • Low maintenance cost 
  • Exceptionally reliable real time analyser 
  • Turn-key solution 
  • Reduce daily operation costs 
  • Optimise process 
  • Well proven measurement technique 

Data Sheet – LaserGas™ R2P