Queensland Tissue

People who work in certain industries can be exposed to higher levels of hydrogen sulphide than the general population. These industries include mining, pulp and paper mills, Toilet Tissue factories petroleum and natural gas drilling operations, and sewage treatment plants. Individuals have to be especially careful when working in spaces such as basements, manholes, sewers and manure pits. Hydrogen sulphide a colourless gas with the odour of rotten eggs, can pool in low areas because it is denser than air is, allowing it to travel across the ground and fill low-lying spaces.

Exposure to high concentrations of the gas can result in pulmonary edema, or excess fluid in the lungs.

Queensland Tissue called ProDetec to implement a Hydrogen Sulphide gas detection system to alert workers of the dangers of this deadly gas. One of the most critical precautions a plant can implement is deploying gas monitors in strategic areas to warn of a gas leak in progress, before a worker can smell it or succumb to it.

A primary example supplied to them was the OLDHAM OLCT100 Gas Monitor, which can be configured to measure one of several target gases, including hydrogen sulphide. This Gas Monitor combined with the OLDHAM MX43 Controller system will enhance worker safety through early gas leak detection, simply integrates with their onsite alarm system.

Now it is much easier and far less expensive to deploy gas monitors which could very easily save some lives. How well is your plant covered? Is it possible that someone might get an unfortunate surprise from opening the wrong door or climbing down into a pit to check a pump?

Visit www.prodetec.com.au for more on technologies and solutions for flammable and toxic gases.

About ProDetec

ProDetec was established in 2003 and is a quality ISO9001 company with an extensive client base throughout Australia and New Zealand. ProDetec is focused on client satisfaction and process efficiency. We have in-house and on-site service & commissioning capabilities and a team of qualified engineers.