How to Find the Magic in Non-Alcoholic Beers

Aussies love their beers, and Aussie culture wants alcohol in their beer. This will never change… Or will it? It wasn’t so long ago that many Aussies smoked. A decade later and smoking has all but died out (no pun intended).
A similar shift in societal thinking is happening with Alcohol. Whether it’s the road toll issues, related crimes or general health/lifestyle factors, people are slowly starting to shift their views towards excessive drinking, or more correctly, excessive alcohol. However, a major obstacle to change, is the loss in taste of low/no alcohol beer. As you know, some low alcohol beers taste surprisingly good, and some are … meh.

Here’s where we can provide some magic for you.

What if we said, that along with extracting the alcohol, and the inevitable extraction of flavor, we could capture (i) the alcohol AND (ii) the flavor… and then (iii) reunite the salvaged flavor with the Alcohol-Free beer. Let me be more precise, by Alcohol free, I mean 0.01% to 0.4 vol ABV. If Low Alcohol beer is your target, then let’s minimize the loss of flavor at the outset by separating out the alcohol at much lower temperature (40-45C) under vacuum and blend the dealcoholized beer with the mother beer or another brew. As you know, temperature is the enemy of flavor loss, and Centec removes the alcohol at temperature significantly less thank your pasteurization temperatures.

If we can achieve these low ABV targets for you without losing flavor, your customer could enjoy having their flavorsome beers with their colleagues after work without fear of exceeding limits. More importantly they are not compromising the state of their health or mind.

How can you get on the leading edge of this inevitable shift towards the Low Alcohol market?

Start by taking a look at the Centec DeAlcoTec information I have attached for you. If you are one of the market pioneers in Low or No Alcohol Beer, you will have all your customers on board for the shift to flavour-rich Low Alcohol beer. It’s happened in Europe. It’s now growing in the USA. It will happen in Australia. Your business decision is whether you will lead the market or follow once it has established its market share. We will help you either way.

You already know the name Centec, so it won’t come as a surprise that Centec has DeAlcoTec installations throughout Europe, Costa Rica, the USA, and South Africa and with these customers production of Dealcoholised beer is from 3hL/hr to 100hL/hr. ProDetec is the exclusive representative of Centec in Australia, New Zealand and the South Pacific. Give us a call or send us an email if you want to further discuss this potential growth to your business.


About ProDetec

ProDetec was established in 2003 and is a quality ISO9001 company with an extensive client base throughout Australia and New Zealand. ProDetec is focused on client satisfaction and process efficiency. We have in-house and on-site service & commissioning capabilities and a team of qualified engineers.